Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System
Square Dirty Girl Bat System

Dirty Girl

Square Dirty Girl Bat System

Bat pin placement: 10" from the middle of one bat pin hole to the other Master bat: 12.5" in diameter Dirty Girls Pottery Tools is a line of simple, does-what-you-need-it-to-do products. No trendy or gimmicky stuff. We partner with a local machine shop, and finish everything in-house. What's that, your wiggle wire isn't damn wiggly enough? Well reach out and let us know. You can be sure the next round is the wiggliest shit you've ever seen touch clay. Click on any of our products below for more information on each one.