AC-310 Silkscreen Medium is a thickening agent that, when added to Stroke & Coat®, Designer Liner or Underglazes, creates a “ceramic paste” that is suitable to be used in silkscreen processes.
To transfer the designs, combine AC-310 Silkscreen Medium and any color of Underglazes, Stroke & Coat®, Designer Liner or acrylic paints to create a paste which is pushed through the screen onto bisque or unfired glaze surface. The design transfers onto ceramic, glass wood or fabric surfaces with ease. Designer Silkscreens work on ridged or curved surfaces and may also be used as an outline to fill in images with color.
Mayco Designer Silkscreens are a great and easy way to add intricate detail to your work.
For creating silkscreen design on clay or bisque: Mix four parts Underglaze or Stroke & Coat® (1″ wide dollop of glaze) to one part Silkscreen Medium (pinch). Using a palette knife, thoroughly mix glaze and silkscreen medium on a flat surface until the mixture is smooth and contains no lumps. Add small amounts of medium until mixture resembles a thick paste, similar to the consistency of peanut butter. Push material through designer silkscreen with a squeegee or finger. Can be used with low fire and mid-range glazes.
Color: the base firing properties of the glaze used to create the ceramic paste remain unchanged: cone 06, cone 6 glazes perform just as they would in a non-paste state. For the deepest color we recommend using Stroke & Coat®, Designer Liner or Mayco Underglaze – products that contain high pigment content. Darker colors will produce deeper color in the fired result. Use of other color lines and/or light pigment colors (pinks, tans, light yellow, etc.) may yield less prominent results.
Viscosity: if a paste is too thin your design may bleed. As a general rule: the more detailed the screen design the thicker the paste. For patterns, such as Chevrons and Stripes, you may find a thinner pastes works best.