Van Gilder Aluminum Wire Knife

Roadrunner Ceramics

Van Gilder Aluminum Wire Knife

Regular price $ 16.50

A unique tool from Bill van Gilder!

Here is what Bill has to say:
"Designed to comfortably fit the hand, this lightweight and hard-surfaced aluminum "knife" will become one of your most-used studio tools - for handbuilding and at the wheel. Unlike a flat knife blade, the ultra-thin textured and tensioned wire cuts through clay without drag or distortion. It's ideal for cutting coils! And, it's a safe tool to use in the classroom. It's a great tool for leveling rims - a safe alternative to the more dangerous needle tool. Use it to trim teapot spouts and handle ends, facet, cut-out feet and more..." Not suitable for hard, coarse clay or plaster.

Size: 3" wire length in a 5" x 3/4" U-shaped frame