SPE878 Cosmic Copper Raku Glaze


SPE878 Cosmic Copper Raku Glaze

Regular price $ 26.00

Due to the many variables involved in Raku firing, particularly during the reduction phase, the color chip is only approximate. Your results may vary greatly due to different firing conditions.

RAKU FIRING – Raku glazes can be fired from 1600 F up to cone 06 (1850 F) in either electric or gas kiln.  Fire SPE850 - 856 and SPE868 - 879 to 1700 - 1750 F and 860 - 866 to 1600 - 1650 F.  Allow to cool in the kiln to 1600 F.  Different combinations of peak temp and reduction starting temp will produce different results. While still red hot they should be quickly transferred to a lidded metal garbage can or bin that has been lined with combustible material like newspaper or sawdust. As soon as the hot pot ignites the newspaper, the lid should be put on to keep oxygen from entering the container, in order to develop the reduction atmosphere. The pieces should be allowed to cool in the bin for at least 20 minutes.